X-Men: Evolution still ranks as my most favorite animated series. And while the animated series was airing on television, Marvel published a few comic books covering smaller chapters in the life of these X-Men. X-Men: Evolution showcases all our favorite mutants during...
X-Men: Evolution Comic Book Issue 02 ‘Seeing Clearly’ was simply phenomenal. If you haven’t read it yet, please do. I have seen the whole X-Men: Evolution series twice and still enjoyed this 21-page issue. This issue is a good lesson in kindness, indiscrimination, and compassion...
After completing the Scott Pilgrim Comic Book Series I was looking for a similar Comic Book, one that had elements of Comedy, Slice of Life, and Fantasy. I thought it would be a great idea to check books by the same Author/Artist Bryan Lee O’Malley...
The Comic Book is about a guy named Aksel who is the Lead Vocalist and the Lead Guitarist of a band called 'Perkeros'. The band is comprised of four members, a bear who is the Drummer, a Bassist who looks like Gandalf, is 600 years old and seems to have played with...
I saw the Anime first and then read the Manga. Perhaps that’s the reason I preferred the Anime version more than the Manga. The concept and story of ‘Death Note’ are mind-blowing and still rank No. 1...
‘Death Note’ is an amazing Manga, a must-read. And for those who are not a fan of Manga or Comic Books or don’t enjoy reading, you can always stream the Anime. Chapter 2 is titled ‘L’. At first, you have no clue...
This particular episode stands apart from the rest of the stories, because it completely explains how Hell functions. It clarifies how the guilty are tormented for their crimes. However, before we speak about that, let’s get up to speed with what Lucifer is about...
Yes, I was sceptical for an entire year, wondering whether Infinity War would be good enough, especially after how epic Avengers was, after how interesting Avenger: Age of Ultron was, and yes, after how captivating Captain America: Civil War was. But, Avengers Infinity War...